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Premieres - Solo guitar

Chaya Czernowin (IL)
Obscure vegetation: black flowers bloom in matter’s darkness - Solo electric guitar
World premiere: Darmstadt - 25th August 2018

Rebecca Saunders (UK)
Metal bottle necks - Solo electric guitar
World premiere: Darmstadt - 25th August 2018 (with Carlo Siega)​

Giulia Lorusso (IT)
À fleur de peau - Solo electric guitar

World premiere: New York, 29th March 2019

Davide Ianni (IT)

[NI] - Solo electric guitar

World premiere: New York, 29th March 2019

Yesid Fonseca Aranda (CO)

À une passante - Solo classical guitar

World premiere: Bern - 17th December 2014


Catalina Peralta (CO)
Cuerdas Falsas - Solo E-Guitar and E-Guitar Ensemble
premiere: Bogotà - 6th June 2015

Rocco De Cia Hauptweg (IT)

Hauptweg -  Solo classical guitar (dedicated to Ruben Mattia Santorsa)

World premiere: Vienna - 26th February 2015

Pietro Dossena (IT)
Haunted - Solo classical guitar (dedicated to Ruben Mattia Santorsa)
premiere: Milan - 28th June 2016

​Maurizio Azzan (IT)

Geometrie nelle mani - Solo classical guitar (dedicated to Ruben Mattia Santorsa)

World premiere: Napoli - 4th December 2015 (Only Corda-legno. Metallo)
premiere: Darmstadt - 8th August 2016 (Entrire cycle)

Niki Harlafti (EL)
Question - Solo classical guitar (dedicated to Ruben Mattia Santorsa)
World premiere: Darmstadt - 21th July 2018

Michele Foresi (IT)
Macchina per cinguettare - Solo classical guitar (dedicated to Ruben Mattia Santorsa)
premiere: Vienna - 26th February 2015


Rosalba Quindici (IT)
Preludio - Solo classical guitar
premiere:: Napoli - 4th December 2015

Nemanja Radivojevic  (SRB)
Courant V - Solo classical guitar (dedicated to Ruben Mattia Santorsa)
premiere:: Paris - 11th October 2016

Karim Younis (CH)

Macchie - Solo classical guitar (dedicated to Ruben Mattia Santorsa)

World premiere: Bern - 17th December 2014​

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